Thursday, July 30, 2009

Buckle your KIDS!

This one goes out to all those wussy parents who think they are the exception to the rule of statistics and decide they're kids do not need to be buckled in their car.

I knew someone once who had a minor fender-bender with a lady. However, the lady leapt out of her car screaming "My baby, my baby!" It turned out she had a valid concern, her baby was in a car seat, but the car seat wasn't buckled into the car itself! Luckily, the baby was fine, but man I sure hope that lady got a wake up call that day.

Seriously, people, what makes you think its OK for you to NOT buckle your kids? Do you think "They're young, they'll bounce back!". What one earth are you thinking? I don't care how far or how fast you are going, take the 2 seconds of effort and buckle them up.

Oh, and don't give me the "He/She won't stay buckled up" or "He/She won't listen to me".... What a whiner! Who's the parent and who's the child? Put your foot down and get that brat in line. Do you hate him/her enough to see them fly through your windshield and lay mangled on the pavement, dying in your arms? THINK ABOUT IT.

Honestly, the government sees fit to make us get a driver's license, a fishing license, a hunting license, even a marriage license! Why can't they implement a policy that requires a license to have a child??? Seriously, so many people out there need to have code-locked zippers installed on their pants!

Any fool can have a baby. It takes a real man/woman to raise a child.

Dang, 20 million sperm and you were the one that made it through?

Why isn't common sense more common?

My new favorite quote

My wife just showed me my new favorite quote, from none other than Bill Cosby: "A word to the wise isn't necessary. Its the stupid who need the advice."

Why isn't common sense more common?

Roundabouts, Traffic Circles, Gloriettas, whatever you may call them!

Ok, PEOPLE! All of you who have roundabouts in your town/city where you live (AKA Traffic Circles or Gloriettas). PLEASE educate yourselves on how to use them!!!!

Let me just tell you, it is VERY BASIC. Treat this the same as ANY intersection. Do you want to turn left? Then get in the LEFT lane and signal that you want to turn LEFT. Wait, what if you want to turn right? Well, by golly, get in the RIGHT lane and signal RIGHT!!! I know, difficult concept to comprehend, but stick with me on this one...

Now this is the REALLY tough part. What if you want to go STRAIGHT??? Well, guess what? Pick a lane, ANY lane and give 'er!!!! (Note: If there are more than two lanes, please pick the middle or left lane)

One more piece of information. You've already signaled your intent, placed yourself in the proper lane for that purpose and are now proceeding successfully through the roundabout. Well, there's one more piece of VITAL information you require. As you come around to the street you wish to turn down, turn on your RIGHT SIGNAL light to advise those around you of your intent and make your exit. Provided you are in the correct lane, and you are watching those around you who HAVEN'T read this post yet, you will make it through without causing any major panick or road rage!!!

Finally, this one is to the City Planners... Please refrain from crosswalks at the roundabout locations on busy streets.... the last thing these poor, panicky and road-raged people need is to suddenly come around and find some kid walking in front of them!!!

Why isn't common sense more common?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have to say, one of the biggest bees under my bonnet has to do with smoking. Now, I don't agree with smoking, but I'm not going to come out and judge you or throw a bunch of crap in your face about health risks, etc. Personally, I don't think you've made a wise choice, but it was and is your choice so whatever.

However, what does bother me is that I have chosen not to smoke, so why should I have to breath in your smoke-filled air?

Can smokers not be more considerate of those around them? Do they not realize that not everyone enjoys the smoky air? I have a 3 year old boy with asthma, and just last weekend we were at the beach and about 50% of the people around us decided the beach was a great place to "light up". Great! So now my child has to suffer for your convenience, how is that fair?

Or how about trying to enter stores or the mall when people are all milling around the doors puffing in our faces as we walk by them?

I heard one smoker say "I have the right to smoke where I want." Well, what about the rest of us? Don't we have a right to walk around in clean air? Just a thought...

Online Classifieds, "Lady Driven"

My first post is the one that caused me to start this blog in the first place. Let me tell you, I know a lot of good lady drivers. I also know, and regularly witness, a lot of bad lady drivers. However, as far as that is concerned, I aslo know and witness a lot of bad male drivers! But, the reason I am posting this is in response to the people who post their vehicles as "lady driven" and how that's a good thing. Therefore, do not assume that I think men are better drivers or that I'm being a male chauvinistic pig (I can't even spell the word, see?). I'm simply repsonding to what was already brought up as a good attribute and dispelling the myth that "lady driven" is a positive thing to list on your classified ad...

See, first of all, observe the drivers around you. Do you see that Mom in the mini-van? Most likely, she pushes that van pretty hard. Kicking the doors shut with her heel, mashing the gas at the green light, waiting 'till the last opportunity to finally hit the brakes and then hit them hard. Now, is this different than most of the men you see driving? Probably not, so why is "lady driven" something to brag about? If anything, should this maybe serve as a warning to potential buyers?

This doesn't end at just "lady driven". How about the sales pitch that the car you were interested in was "owned by a dear old grandma/grandpa"? Think about that one!!!!

Anyways, there's my first rant--- sorry, *post* for today...

My first rant

My first rant is about the ability to rant! Actually, if you look up the definition of "rant", I suppose it isn't really the right term (Definition: To speak or write in an angry or violent manner). I really don't want to express violence, and not even anger for that manner. So, I would assume that my blog title is now misleading. So, my apologies for anyone coming here for violence and/or anger, you will most likely be disappointed.

So, in that light, my first *post* will be to *post* my disappointment in the lack of freedom to *post* my feelings and thoughts on certain situations, as funny as I truly mean them to be. If you know me, you know that I will not go out of my way to hurt or offend people. My posts here are simply an expression of my ponderings and/or thoughts of situations I have faced. However, unless I do so in a blog such as this, which won't get read by more than 5 people I'm sure, such posts are faced with hostility, anger, resentment and negative responses. This is not what I wish to occur!

So, I have set up this blog to simply allow myself the freedom of expression without fear of persecution. Wait, I've heard that phrase somewhere before... Maybe some country built on freedom stated it at some time...

Therefore, you have read my first post. If you do not like what I have to say, or are offended, please let me know in a decent comment. However, if you feel the need to lash out, I simply ask that you move on and create your own blog for your feelings! :)

So, having said that, let the posts begin!!!