Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have to say, one of the biggest bees under my bonnet has to do with smoking. Now, I don't agree with smoking, but I'm not going to come out and judge you or throw a bunch of crap in your face about health risks, etc. Personally, I don't think you've made a wise choice, but it was and is your choice so whatever.

However, what does bother me is that I have chosen not to smoke, so why should I have to breath in your smoke-filled air?

Can smokers not be more considerate of those around them? Do they not realize that not everyone enjoys the smoky air? I have a 3 year old boy with asthma, and just last weekend we were at the beach and about 50% of the people around us decided the beach was a great place to "light up". Great! So now my child has to suffer for your convenience, how is that fair?

Or how about trying to enter stores or the mall when people are all milling around the doors puffing in our faces as we walk by them?

I heard one smoker say "I have the right to smoke where I want." Well, what about the rest of us? Don't we have a right to walk around in clean air? Just a thought...

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