Thursday, July 30, 2009

Roundabouts, Traffic Circles, Gloriettas, whatever you may call them!

Ok, PEOPLE! All of you who have roundabouts in your town/city where you live (AKA Traffic Circles or Gloriettas). PLEASE educate yourselves on how to use them!!!!

Let me just tell you, it is VERY BASIC. Treat this the same as ANY intersection. Do you want to turn left? Then get in the LEFT lane and signal that you want to turn LEFT. Wait, what if you want to turn right? Well, by golly, get in the RIGHT lane and signal RIGHT!!! I know, difficult concept to comprehend, but stick with me on this one...

Now this is the REALLY tough part. What if you want to go STRAIGHT??? Well, guess what? Pick a lane, ANY lane and give 'er!!!! (Note: If there are more than two lanes, please pick the middle or left lane)

One more piece of information. You've already signaled your intent, placed yourself in the proper lane for that purpose and are now proceeding successfully through the roundabout. Well, there's one more piece of VITAL information you require. As you come around to the street you wish to turn down, turn on your RIGHT SIGNAL light to advise those around you of your intent and make your exit. Provided you are in the correct lane, and you are watching those around you who HAVEN'T read this post yet, you will make it through without causing any major panick or road rage!!!

Finally, this one is to the City Planners... Please refrain from crosswalks at the roundabout locations on busy streets.... the last thing these poor, panicky and road-raged people need is to suddenly come around and find some kid walking in front of them!!!

Why isn't common sense more common?

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