Thursday, April 15, 2010

Don't mess with my routine

So, I think anyone that knows me knows that I can be a man of tradition. If I find a burger that I like at a particular restaurant, I will order that same burger every time I go there for the rest of my life. My mornings before work are very much ‘routine’. Get up, get dressed, do the bathroom things, make my lunch, have devotions, go to work. I get up at the same time and leave at the same time.


Now, as I’m commuting to work, I have fallen into a routine for the first while at work as well. I get to the office, put my bike up and log on. Turn on the fan (yes, I’m very hot from the ride!), and log my ride progress (speed, etc.). Then, I’ve even started blogging about my ride as well ( At that point, I’m usually cooled down enough so I go get changed and cleaned up for work. Then I get my Gatorade, coffee and toast and start the day.


Rinse, lather and repeat.


I realized today that I REALLY get annoyed if someone breaks that routine. Yes, if I am interrupted before I get changed, I get annoyed. If someone interrupts me while my toast is in the toaster, I get annoyed (this one is particularly bad because if I’m not there when the toast pops and it gets cold before I can butter it, then it is a waste of good toast and that REALLY annoys me...). I’ve even had people interrupt me while I was eating my toast with some “emergency” that really could not wait 5 minutes. No “When you’re done, can you come check this out...” Nope, just “Come now”. But I’m eating!!!


Anyways, just a realization this morning that as a creature of considerable habit, I really do not appreciate it when someone breaks that habit or routine of mine. It throws my day off! If I don’t get my toast before 9:30, then I’m not hungry for lunch, so I’ll eat late, which means I’m still full and digesting by the time my ride starts home which means my ride isn’t as enjoyable, I can’t catch my breath, I’m slow, etc. All because my routine was messed up!


So there. Don’t mess with my routine. It works, it’s efficient and the rest of my day benefits from everything else falling properly into place...


HAHA! I’m really not this serious about it all, just minor-ly annoyed really...

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