Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The dreaded black steel rim season

Ok, I live in Canada. We get snow and lots of it in probably 95% of this country. So no matter where you live, people are starting to wise up and buy winter tires so they can handle the conditions. That's great! The more traction these bad driver's have, the better chance we all can get through our days alive...

However, the amount of BUTT UGLY steel rims that come out in spades when the snow flies really bugs me! I hate the things. There could be nothing uglier on a vehicle than these rims. Ok, maybe a wooden spoiler made out of 2x6's would be uglier (I did see that once!). However, these rims are a blight on the nation!

Ok, they're cheaper than aluminum rims, sure. I can buy a cheap aluminum rim for about $100, but a steel rim will run me around $60 or $70. So, that's a decent amount of savings really. I've also heard the arguement that it's cheaper than paying a shop to re-mount the tires each season.

Let me debate both of these points. First of all, winter is long in Canada. You will drive around probably half the year with these abominations just to save a few hundred bucks? I see the need for a little bit of pride in ownership here! It's not like this is just for a month or two. Whatever, money talks so this one is hard to debate on principle alone.

As for the second point, though, hear me out. Two shop visits a year, 4 tires for $50 equals $100 a year spent. Over two years (the average life of a winter tire), you'd have spent $200, or the cost of 4 very cheap winter rims. Where is the savings there? Unless you're running your winters into 3 or 4 seasons and therefore really missing the point of the tire in the first place...

Now, whatever, cost is cost and people will cheap out when needed. Fine. But, please, if you can afford a $60,000 Denali or Caddilac, PLEEEEEAAAASSSEEE don't put cheap black rims on!!! Granted, when this happens you are happily broadcasting to the world that "I cannot afford the life I want to live, but I have to try and keep up with the Joneses" and that does give me a little pleasure...

Until next time!

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